Equipping another weapon, but not firing it (really necessary for the 1 regenerator we need to kill in Ch. Using the (special) rocket launcher at the final part of the Sadler boss fight 6. Blowing up red barrels to kill enemies 5.

Using turret enplacements in the Island to kill enemies and destroy the AA turret 4. Using cannons in the Castle to kill enemies, catapults/gates 3. Using the harpoons during the Del Lago fight 2. Things you're able to do without voiding the handgun/knife restriction: 1. I'd also highly recommend having shot all the Clockwork Castellans can unlock and fully upgrade the Primal Knife for an infinite durability knife. You'll also need one of the rifles and the biosensor in order to have an easier time killing 1 regenerator in chapter 13. Also, you're able to use any cannons or machine gun emplacements present in the game without voiding out minimalist. Regarding minimalist, if you're able, it's very useful at the end of your first run to sell everything you have except for your desired handgun(s), ammo for them, and any gunpowder/small resources then buy as much material as possible to create handgun ammo as this is the limiting factor for handgun/knife run. Regardless, try to get hit as little as possible.

It can make boss fights toward the end stressful, but usually not too bad as I did Ramon, Krauser and Sadler on the health you recover up to. (I found you only recovered when out of combat, but it may be time-based). For frugalist, we're playing on Assisted Difficulty because once your health is very low you'll recover health back up to about 1/5 of your maximum health.

You're fine to go down into the shooting range if desired or spend gold/silver tokens at the charm machine. Not to turn in any requests, buy anything or sell anything. (Excluding specific battles.) For Silent Stranger, just make sure you don't talk to the Merchant at all during the one. Minimalist: Complete the main story using only knives and handguns. Frugalist: Complete the main story without using a recovery item. Let me know if there's areas I can improve on the guide and hope this is helpful! Sprinter: Complete the main story within 8 hours Silent Stranger: Complete the main story without talking to the Merchant once. This run will be done on Assisted Difficulty and recommended to be done after at least 1 run of the game on a NG+ save to have a fully upgraded pistol (I used the Red9). Welcome! We are going to be getting 4 achievements in this one run.